jeudi 19 mai 2011

Et maintenant dansons !

Autant vous mettre immédiatement dans l'ambiance : il est suave parfois de s'accorder une journée "country" et encore plus suave de s'adonner de temps à autre à une soirée "country diva" ce qui est presque la même chose avec juste beaucoup, beaucoup, beaucoup plus de laque et de hauteur.

1 commentaire:

  1. "STAND BY YOUR MAN" spécial dédicace à Anne Sinclair!
    Sometimes its hard to be a woman
    Giving all your love to just one man
    You'll have bad times
    And he'll have good times
    Doing things that you don't understand
    But if you love him you'll forgive him
    Even though he's hard to understand
    And if you love him
    Oh be proud of him
    'Cause after all he's just a man
    Stand by your man
    Give him two arms to cling to
    And something warm to come to
    When nights are cold and lonely
    Stand by your man
    And tell the world you love him
    Keep giving all the love you can
    Stand by your man
    Stand by your man
    And show the world you love him
    Keep giving all the love you can
    Stand by your man
